Ages to Burgos
9.30pm: I'm sitting on the floor of the dorm room in Burgos. My friend Martine is taking a needle to an epic blister on my right heel, Abdal is holding my hand, Magda our resident nurse looks on and I'm yelping in pain.
The blister is so bad, it's imminent demise has even attracted an unknown spectator who has no qualms about hovering over my foot and declaring how bad it looks. Cheers mate.
Oh, and I chalked up another life low - watching the plasma from your blister explode with force all over your friend's jumper (so sorry again Martine).
This was the end to a pretty shit day - we did 12 miserable miles in biting wind and pissing rain before reaching Burgos. I arrived a bit soaked and with my feet in bad condition - my friends declared me unfit to look after them myself, hence them taking things i.e. the needle into their own hands.
With most of us sporting similar foot problems or injuries, we've decided to take a rest day tomorrow as after nearly two weeks on the road our bodies need some recovery time.
I'm stupidly excited for a day when I don't have to put my boots on 😊.