Rest day in Burgos

Rest day in Burgos

I spent this morning pathetically hobbling around Burgos in socks and flip flops trying to buy new supplies.

I've managed to lose 40% of my underwear already (don't ask), the Camino has already seen off one pair of leggings and my lovely expensive merino wool socks are too thick.

Add to the list a bunch of medical supplies for my feet and it's quite the shopping trip for someone who's limping around like a hippo with a foot full of drawing pins.

Eventually I gave up and got a taxi to take me the Decathlon on the outskirts of town.

It became apparent that getting a taxi back would be a nightmare, so my driver offered to keep the metre running for 15 minutes.

Time pressure + limping = impaired decision making.

I managed to find some anti-blister hiking socks, but struggled to find any underwear and with my Spanish failing me, I ended up having to flash my pants in the middle of the aisle to a shop assistant so she knew what I was after.

With only five minutes to go I grabbed three pairs of the only style they had.

So this is the reason I'm now on Camino wearing the pinkest knickers imaginable and matching socks.

Not a problem unless you regularly have to hang your pants up to dry on a communal washing line.

Eyebrows have been raised.

At least if I get lost I can always whip off a pair and start waving them to attract attention.

Burgos to Hornillos de Camino

Burgos to Hornillos de Camino

Ages to Burgos

Ages to Burgos