Hornillos de Camino to Castrojeriz

Hornillos de Camino to Castrojeriz

Today I managed to cook a meal for twelve people using just a rice cooker (and we didn't even have rice).

Cooking on Camino is like a episode of Ready, Steady, Cook every day. You never know what food will be available (if any) or what kind of kitchen you'll have (if any).

We're also travelling with a vegan, someone who's wheat/lactose intolerant and a Muslim. Not to mention my pea intolerance.

Yet every night, we pull it off. This is mainly thanks to resident chef Davide, who keeps a close eye on our efforts but the beauty of the gang is that everybody pulls their weight and we get to try lots of world cuisines. I'm eating better on Camino than at home!

Today was gorgeous so I suggested we eat al fresco - not realising that by the time I'd cooked three lots of potatoes in a rice cooker it would be dark and we'd all be freezing our tits off.

Thank goodness for the warming properties of red wine 😊

Castrojeriz to Fromista

Castrojeriz to Fromista

Burgos to Hornillos de Camino

Burgos to Hornillos de Camino