Day 19: Aaaaand relax (Ometepe)
Dear reader, I have to admit that I'm blogging under the influence. Not only have I consumed two whole beers, I'm on a relaxation high from a day of doing precisely sod all.
The day started like all days should, breakfast surrounded by four hot French Canadians. I've just realised I was so excited about telling you this that I've forgotten to say where I am...I'm on Ometepe, an island created by two whopping volcanoes in the middle of Lake Nicaragua.
More precisely, I'm at Finca Mystica (Mystic Farm) and it's pretty bloody special here I can tell you.
So special that today I opted not to leave and instead spent the entire day lazing in my private hammock binge listening to Desert Islands Discs.
My room here is flipping huge! It has two double beds and a patio! From my hammock (situated on said patio) I have a view of the farm and beyond to the lake.
There's a whole lot of nature here, mostly in my hair - fellow guests have had to rescue a giant cricket and a firefly from my curly mop so far.
Animals I've not yet found on my head include lizards, howler monkeys, awesome looking birds and a really big ant I found in my bathroom.
Safe to say, if I end up finding any of these in my hair, you'll be the first to know.
Tomorrow (my birthday!) I'm hiking to a waterfall where I'll be amusing myself by doing my best 'lady in a shampoo advert' impression.
I've been not-so-subtly telling people it's my birthday in the hope the staff here give me a free birthday brownie - you never know.
Signing off now to have a little rum chaser before bed (and to perve on the hot Canadians who are now playing darts).
Hasta pronto!