Santiago to Negreira to Olveiroa
Today I was back on the trail, refreshed and ready for action.
My usual Camino day would start with clambering down from the top bunk, grabbing a bunch of clothes and heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
But this morning I woke up alone in my apartment in Santiago, my friends in a hostel about 15 miles away, so I luxuriated in a private morning wee before heading out into darkness and quiet of the early morning to find the taxi which would reunite me with my crew.
This irregular start meant that for once, I was the first one ready to go.
I'd been in touch with my friends during the evening before. They'd had a tough day it seemed, the goodbyes we'd said the previous day were weighing heavy on all of us.
I was determined to have a good day. We had twenty miles ahead and it was going to be hot - I didn't want to add feeling sad to this already tough little combo.
We started the day with a coffee as always, Rasmus and Sueon set off ahead and the rest of us (Martine, Davide, Tano, Susanna, Manon and Ines) followed.
It was a beautiful start to the walk, through a quiet town and farmland. We'd not been going far before we found Rasmus sitting in a doorway.
'I think we've lost, Sueon," he said.
Now, Sueon is an amazing human, but she does have form when it comes to getting lost. Quickly we split up, heading in different directions, calling her name.
Of course the fastest of us was Martine, and Susanna has the most beautiful picture of her silhouetted against the morning sky, looking for our friend.
Sueon heard Martine's call, still blissfully unaware she was walking in the wrong direction, and came trotting back to us, all smiles of course, because she's Sueon.
We walked and walked and it got hotter and hotter. Martine's knee had been bothering her for a few days and by the time we stopped for lunch, she'd had enough, the pain was too much to go on.
Don't forget this girl had been working for almost 2,000km now, sometimes you have to listen to your body and Martine's was calling out for a break.
We sorted her a taxi to take her the rest of the way, but one crisis turned into another - Manon had left her wallet at the hostel.
With gorgeous pragmatism, they set about making signs for hitch-hiking (or 'auto-stop' as they call it) so they could make their way back, making promises to message us so we'd know they were safe.
With Rasmus, Sueon, Davide and Tano all keen to get back on the trail, Susanna and I held back a while and set off a little later, two weary travellers determined to make the most of the day.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Susanna is incredible. Spending time with her is total joy and when I'm with her, it feels like a real meeting of minds.
I'll always cherish this part of the journey we made together, just the two of us. After walking for a while, we took shelter from the sun in a coffee shop, ate ice-cream and talked for an hour about Arrested Development as if we didn't have another six or so miles to go.
We had a very interesting conversation about our ideal man, Susanna had some very specific requirements for the person who would be a nurturing life partner for her, while my response involved the phrases 'hot guy', 'make out' and 'sofa'. The heart wants what it wants.
We made our merry way to the hostel, exhausted from the walking and the heat, but so, so happy and with the badass sounds of Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson and 4 Non Blondes ringing in our ears.
Susanna's energy is phenomenal and together, I don't think it's a stretch to say we're somewhat of a force. Two strong women, nailing the trail and doing it with smiles on our faces and songs on our lips.
Soul sisters to the end.
Susanna and I share a love of TV show Parks and Recreation, especially lead character Leslie Knope. So my wonderful friend, this is for you, the oath of the 'freakin awesome' Pawnee Goddesses:
"I am a goddess. A glorious female warrior. Queen of all I survey. Enemies of fairness and equality, hear my womanly roar."