Estella to Los Arcos

Estella to Los Arcos

To be on Camino is to be kind. I've found myself surrounded by people who want to do things for me.

In the few first few days, I've been relying on other people so much more than at home.

I like to pride myself on my independence, but this experience can be testing and so I've had accept help from others much more than usual which is definitely out of my comfort zone.

Each kindness I've experienced has been small, but together they're creating the foundation of my Camino adventure, which I'm finding is much more of a shared experience than I ever expected.

I'm discovering resources (especially pain killers and blister treatments) are communal, cooking is on a mass scale and chocolate always offered at just the right time.

I've always found it difficult to be 'looked after' but here I don't have a choice. People are going to turn up at my bedside with a bar of Milka if I like it or not and I'm just going to have to deal with that.

Los Arcos to Logrono

Los Arcos to Logrono

Puente la Reine to Estella

Puente la Reine to Estella